
Thyrsus Wine is a company engaged in the import of high-quality grapes and unique alcoholic beverages.

Mr Sebastian Westerlund, the initiator of the company, learnt through his connections in Kosovo, that high-quality wines were being made in the region, but were still not imported to Sweden. Not the one to ever miss out on an opportunity, he promptly gathered a small companionship of associates, on a journey to seize upon this moment.

Mr Morgan Karlsson is a passionate sommelier and a successful bartender in the high-end of the Stockholm night-life, that Westerlund knew from wrestling-practice. Mr Westerlund understood that he would need a qualified and experienced opinion on the wine he would encounter. Mr Karlsson, sensing adventure and the possibility of trying exotic wines, agreed to come along.

Mr Stefan Ekedahl is a charismatic historian, with roots in the Balkans, that Mr Karlsson knew from wrestling-practice. Mr Ekedahl, who would be used as a guide and spokesperson of the future company, also fell in love with the idea of a good story about adventure. Sipping on a glass of wine made from the landscapes of his forefathers, he eagerly agreed to come along.